What is Federated Learning

An Introduction to FLoC: A New Approach to Advertising The cookie phase-out should come as no surprise. Governments around the world have been cracking down on online data privacy, most notably the GDPR ruling. Data vendors are now left scrambling to find alternative tools to better leverage first-party cookies and lump anonymous users into

How To Create a 5 Day Challenge

If you’re relying on your social media presence and engagement to generate leads as a course creator, you’re relying on social media algorithms. And those are pesky little things that keep marketers bouncing around, trying to figure out and keep track of all the latest trends when it comes to growing your online audience.

How To Increase Organic Traffic

How To Increase Organic Traffic When You Have A Limited Budget Many business owners are aware that paid advertising can instantly drive traffic to their website and, more specifically with the advances in technology, it has become increasingly effective at directly targeting your ideal customers. However, “buying traffic” is not always a feasible strategy

Benefits of Blogging for Content Marketing

Blogging and Content Marketing If you’re a digital marketer, there’s no doubt you’ve heard about “content marketing”, but content marketing itself has been around for decades – although the phrase has gained buzzword status in the most recent one. Presumably because of the rise in influencer marketing and social media marketing, and it’s natural